About us

Материал из Skazka
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Board of the Society

Chairman of the Board: Liudmila Ilyukhina cell phone: 48 60 65 11 president@skazka.no

Chief website editor: Nino Gvazava redaktor@skazka.no

Main photographer: Andrei Pavlov

Translator of the website into English: Tatiana Shuvalova

Responsible for developing rules of ads publishing: Irina Andreetta-Gorelkina

Website system administrator and responsible for the library: Ilya Gorelkin

Banquets coordinator: Larissa Risstad

Responsible holder of the leased room key: Nadezhda Sheina-Langmu

Deputy holder of the leased room key: Elena Dipvik

Gaming Club coordinator: Aleksei Ivanov

Contact us

E-mail president@skazka.no.

Subscribe here if you would like to receive newsletters about events in the Russian-speaking community of Trondheim.

Apart from this website follow us "ВКонтакте" and on Facebook.

Join the Society

Standard registration procedure is the following:

Step 1. Transfer 60 NOK to the Society's bank account: Skazka Russisk Forening, 4200.39.52937 (Type your surname in the field "melding").

Step 2. Send an e-mail to president@skazka.no. The letter should include the following information:

(* is necessary, the rest is optional)

  • Full name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • A student/not a student
  • An approximate date of money transfer (so that we could verify it)

- Age

- Address

- Occupation (profession/student/housewife etc.)

- Names of your children (to take part in the Children Club, to count gifts etc.)

Step 3. Receive an e-mail confirming that you are included in the members' list.

A simplified procedure of paying the membership fee and registration (pay cash and get on the list) acts on each event, organized by the society "Skazka"

On membership and membership fees

Our newsletters are read by over 450 people. However, the membership fee for 2011 was paid by just 150 people. The larger the list, the more considerable the Society is for the Trondheim Commune and the Russian Embassy, and the greater our chances of getting support are. We are also supported by the SiT (a student organization) - it is important for them to know the number of students among the members.

Price policy on the events organized by the Society encourages membership (members of the Society receive a discount, the difference is usually 50-100 NOK)

Members of the Society take part in the tickets raffle for concerts and events organized not by "Skazka", etc.

Membership fees are spent on website hosting, costumes, equipment for events, etc. The report on expenses and income is available for each member.

Subscribe to the newsletters on the life and culture of the Russian-speaking community is available to everyone, with no membership fee. Letters content does not depend on membership and contains no advertising.

The members list is not published on the website.

Together we are strong! We hope for your understanding and support!

Charter of the Society "Skazka"

The program

Contents and forms of the Society's activity.

Russian culturological society (RCS) "Skazka" was created for the purpose of in-depth study of Russian and world culture (literature and art), interesting folk customs and rituals, art of famous Russian and Norwegian writers, artists, actors, musicians.

RCS "Skazka" cooperates with other national and international societies in Norway. Close contact with such organizations as Studentsamskipnaden (students support organization) in Trondheim and Russian societies in other cities is of great interest to "Skazka".

Among the key objectives are informing members of the Society about the most interesting and important events in the social, economic and cultural life of Russia, Norway and other countries, about the achievements of Russian and Norwegian scientists, artists, writers and athletes, about celebrations, including personal. Working with children is a top priority.

One of the Society's tasks is to represent the interests of the Society as a whole and its individual members in the state and social institutions of Norway and to provide all possible assistance to members of the Society and other Russian-speaking residents of Norway.

The Charter regulations

RCS "Skazka" invites all interested persons to participate.

RCS "Skazka" is an open society.

All Russian-speaking residents of Trondheim and the surrounding communes, as well as their families and non-russian residents of these communes, studying Russian or interested in the history and culture of Russia, can become members of the Society.

One is considered member of the Society after paying the membership fee for the current calendar year. [1]

Duties related to the activities of the Society are voluntary. [1]

Decision on the availability and amount of the membership fee is taken at the annual general meeting. [1]

Members of the Society pay the annual fee at the beginning of each calendar year, before February 1. Admission of new members is conducted whole year-round. [1] Membership fees shall not be returned on leaving the Society. [2]

Each member of the Society may participate in the organization of various events:

  • Gatherings and meetings, celebrations and anniversaries
  • Films screenings
  • Theme evenings
  • Multinational events
  • Professional and amateur artistic performances
  • Art exhibitions
  • Events for children
  • Tours and excursions

The diversity of the Society's activities extends beyond the above mentioned list. Events organized by the Society are open to everyone. Members of the Society have priority at the events with a limited number of participants. There are discounts for members of the Society in case funds are collected for the event. [1]

Close contact with the commune's management and cooperation with a number of cultural and art organizations are among the Charter requirements.

Организационные вопросы

Правление систематически (не реже одного раза в год) отчитывается перед членами общества на собрании о проделанной работе, финансовых расходах, о предстоящих планах и мероприятиях, вносит соответствующие коррективы в свою деятельность.

Общее собрание проводится не реже одного раза в год (чаще - по требованию членов общества)[2]. О проведении общего собрания сообщается не позже, чем за 7 календарных дней[3].

Вопросы, связанные с расходованием общественных средств, решаются на общем собрании.

Изменения в уставе и бюджет утверждаются, если за них проголосовало не менее 2/3 присутствующих на общем собрании членов общества. Все остальные вопросы утверждаются простым большинством голосующих (то есть, по перевесу между числом голосов за и против; число воздержавшихся и не голосующих не влияет на исход голосования)[2].

Все вопросы, связанные с жизнью общества "Сказка," решаются коллегиально. Принятие бюджета и выборы правления производятся на демократических началах - открытым голосованием.

Председатель правления избирается сроком на 4 года [1]

Правление имеет право вносить изменения в бюджет в течение года с оповещением членов общества через электронный список рассылки без проведения общего собрания[3].

Заседания правления происходят один раз в квартал. Внеочередные собрания правления могут быть созваны по требованию одного или нескольких членов правления, или же по просьбе нескольких членов общества.

Члены общества имеют право присутствовать на заседаниях правления и принимать участие в обсуждении вопросов повестки дня без права голосования.

Общество имеет официальную эмблему. Эмблема может размещаться на официальных документах общества, как то: в уставе, отчетах, письмах, визитной карточке общества и т. п. Описание эмблемы: "Золотая рыбка" лежит на гребне волны. Слово "Сказка" написано красным цветом в старо-русском стиле над золотой рыбкой так, что элементы букв "К" и "А" составляют корону над головой рыбки (элементы выделены оранжевым цветом). Волна и хвост рыбки, сливаясь, составляют полукруг, ограничивающий эмблему снизу. Волна - зеленая с голубой пеной. Золотая рыбка - желто-оранжевая. [1]

Настоящие программа и устав приняты учредительным собранием РКО "Сказка." Тронхейм, 12 февраля 2000 г.

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 Amendments adopted by the general meeting January 4, 2011.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Amendments adopted by the general meeting June 5, 2000.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Поправки, принятые общим собранием 23 января 2002 года.

Русское общество зарегистрировано в Brønnøysundregistrene (центральном координационном регистре юридических лиц). Наш номер организации: 982972876