* Has type: [[Has type::Text]] == Preferred property labels == * [[Has preferred property label::occupation@en]] * [[Has preferred property label::Tätigkeit@de]] * [[Has preferred property label::occupation@fr]] * [[Has preferred property label::ocupación@es]] * [[Has preferred property label::род занятий@ru]] * [[Has preferred property label::occupazione@it]] * [[Has preferred property label::职业@zh-hans]] * [[Has preferred property label::職業@ja]] * [[Has preferred property label::職種@ja]] == Property descriptions == * [[Has property description::occupation of a person; see also field of work (Property:P101)@en]] * [[Has property description::Beruf oder andere Tätigkeit einer Person (ergänzt durch Arbeitsgebiet: Property:P101)@de]] * [[Has property description::actividad laboral u otra ocupación de la persona; véase también campo de trabajo (propiedad 101)@es]] * [[Has property description::qualité d'une personne (métier, hobby...), voir aussi domaine d'activité (Property:P101) et fonction (Property:P39)@fr]] * [[Has property description::attività lavorativa svolta, vedi anche campo di lavoro (Property: P101)@it]] * [[Has property description::профессия персоны; см. также свойство область деятельности (Property:P101)@ru]] * [[Has property description::职业即职场上的专门行业,是对劳动的分类。@zh-hans]] * [[Has property description::人物の職業。「専門分野」(Property:P101) も参照@ja]]